SAY Program Overview:
- Sexual Recovery & Prevention – This is used with those who display sexual misconduct behaviors, specific sexual disorders, and sexual addiction.
- Relapse Prevention – This is a self-control program that teaches planning appropriate ways to avoid or respond to high-risk situations before they become a potential for relapse and loss of all control. Learning how the anticipation of pitfalls can assist in changing the focus of prior unhealthy means of coping or acting. Through varied implementations (i.e., role play, discussion, activities, journaling, etc.), they learn effective ways to respond to and change prior habits, thoughts, feelings, impulses, and behaviors that created an environment that made offending acceptable to the client.
- Creating a Safety Plan – This is an ongoing development of plans that keep both the client and the community safe.
- Social Skills Training
- Anger Management & Understanding Emotions
Group counseling is the preferred method of treatment for adult offenders and group assignment is required. Therapy implementation can be modified for the individual, family, and group work. For children, adolescents, and teen offenders, treatment is individualized to meet the specific needs of the consumer and family. Group work is required for Social Skills training components; however, the actual treatment for the Sex Offender (prevention or relapse prevention treatment) is done individually.
Each member will undergo his or her own individual assessment and treatment plan.
Groups will be held on a weekly basis unless a group leader specifies otherwise. Groups will follow the outlined curriculum with individual and group-partnered projects as assigned.
Cognitive Behavioral therapy is one type of therapeutic technique in treating sex offenders. CBT is a psychotherapy treatment based on modifying everyday thoughts and behaviors with the aim of positively influencing emotions. CBT is based on the idea that how we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion), and how we act (behavior) all interact together. Our thoughts specifically determine our feelings and our behavior; thus, negative and unrealistic thinking can cause distress and result in problems. When treating clients who have Autism, it is to be understood that there are deficits with social interactions, communication challenges, and rigid or fixated behaviors. With this understanding, as it relates to the Sex Offender (Prevention or Relapse Prevention), treatment is individualized to meet the individual’s needs. We cater to their understanding level and create supplemental materials to assist with the competency of components addressed in Pathways/Roadmaps or other material supplements that better suit consumers on an individual basis. It is important that concepts will be rehearsed for this population. The client will do this in a variety of ways to include individual, family, and group therapy. In our program, we understand that children with ASD have similar but different challenges developmentally as those non-ASD children, especially during puberty. Some of the components we focus on include develop a positive self-identity, increase self-efficacy, increase the capability to meet basic needs, and manage dynamic risk factors. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or to identify any specific treatment needs for your consumer.